What’s New
Can't Stop, Won't Stop
For small businesses this has been an incredibly difficult year. Brooklyn Coop has always been strongly committed to assisting local small businesses, and this year we did all we could to bring in federal assistance by way of PPP loans and Main Street collateral assistance.
In recognizing the critical role that small financial institutions like Brooklyn Coop play in communities across the country, Citi Foundation is supporting the most impactful and innovative CDFIs with game-changing grant awards. Brooklyn Coop is excited to be among this group.
BCoop has been aware for some time of the groundbreaking strategies of many of our peer CDFIs named in this award cycle. We’re glad for Citi’s support and we look forward to seeing what new strategies this cohort develops over the next year or two. For our part, look for expanded technical assistance dedicated to small businesses in the areas of tax and legal and improved account services.
Thank you, Citi Foundation!